ELBE Postdoctoral Fellows Program

Fully funded fellowships for distinguished independent postdoctoral researchers to join the Center for Systems Biology Dresden (CSBD) for a duration of 2 to 3 years. 

The ELBE Postdoctoral Fellows Program addresses independent researchers on the postdoctoral level, who come with their own research proposal and freely choose which groups to affiliate with. The program provides an ideal springboard to an independent research career in systems biology, theoretical biophysics, computational biology, and related areas. ELBE Postdoctoral Fellows conduct curiosity-driven research at the Center and are provided with competitive personal financial support, access to research infrastructure, and support for research expenditure and travel.

More than half of the ELBE Postdoctoral Fellows Program alumni have landed an independent academic position at the faculty level or equivalent upon leaving Dresden.


What we Provide

The CSBD provides fully funded, 2-3 year positions in an international and cross-disciplinary research environment. ELBE Postdoctoral Fellows benefit from close collaborations with scientists at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG), the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems (MPI-PKS), and the Technische Universität Dresden (TU Dresden), and a stimulating and inspiring atmopshere.

Fellows have full access to state-of-the-art research facilities and infrastructure on the campus. These are in particular the service and facilities of the MPI-CBG, which are located next door to the CSBD. They are given freedom, mentoring, and support to develop their own research questions.

Dresden is a vivid and international scientific city, with a large number of research institutions that collaborate under the DRESDEN-concept umbrella. Its position as an outstanding location for research and science is recognized world-wide. Since 2012, the TU Dresden is one of eleven Excellence Universities in Germany.


What we Seek

The ELBE program seeks outstanding external candidates who are passionate about bringing new ideas, concepts, or systems to the Center. ELBE postdoctoral fellows pursue an interdisciplinary research project in collaboration with members of the CSBD. They are encouraged to develop and use theoretical or computational approaches to study biological systems in close collaboration with experimental groups at the MPI-CBG and the TU Dresden.

Ideal candidates should have backgrounds in physics, computer science, mathematics or a related discipline, with a strong interest in working in a cross-disciplinary life-science environment. In some exceptional cases, ELBE fellows can be analytically-minded experimentalists in the field of cell or developmental biology, who work between a lab and a CSBD research group.

ELBE Postdoctoral Fellows have the opportunity to collaborate with more than one research group to bridge between disciplines. Successful candidates are expected to identify a collaborative project and the host groups to work with within three months after arrival. An interim mentor will support this process. When host groups and research projects are identified, mentorship can be changed or adjusted to facilitate collaborations.


How to Apply

Selection of ELBE Fellows is based on scientific merit with two application cycles per year. Applications are exclusively accepted through the online application system. We do not accept applications by e-mail or direct contact of a group leader. In the first selection stage, candidates are judged on their track record and a research proposal describing the work they intend to do while at the CSBD. The autumn call will open approx. in August 2024. Application instructions for the call will appear here.

The Center for Systems Biology, the MPI-CBG and the MPI-PKS aim to increase the number of women in scientific positions, therefore female applicants are particularly welcome. Read about our efforts to balance family and career.

The Max Planck Society is an equal opportunity employer. Disabled individuals are strongly encouraged to apply.


If you have any questions about the ELBE program or application process, don't hesitate to get in touch with our office:

ELBE Program Office


phone: +49-(0)351-871-1934


Current ELBE Postdoctoral Fellows

Name Mentor(s) Email
Matthew Bovyn Pierre Haas / Marino Zerial bovyn@mpi-cbg.de
Simon Grosse-Holz Christoph Zechner / Jan Brugués grosse-h@mpi-cbg.de
Anna Hadarovich Agnes Toth-Petroczy / Florian Jug hadarovich@pks.mpg.de
Swantje Lenz Agnes Toth-Petroczy / Alexander von Appen lenz@mpi-cbg.de
Jinghui Liu Rita Mateus / Carl Modes jiliu@mpi-cbg.de
Hadrien Oliveri Pierre Haas / Stephan Grill oliveri@mpi-cbg.de
Yahor Savich Frank Jülicher / Stephan Grill savich@pks.mpg.de


Period Name Previous Research Groups  
2022–2024 Joseph Hutchinson Ricard Alert  
2021–2024 Archishman Ghosh Dora Tang / Christoph Weber  
2020–2023 Yiteng Dang Steffen Rulands / Jacqueline Tabler  
2020–2023 Michael Staddon Marko Popovic / Anne Grappin-Botton  
2020–2023 Tzer Han Tan Anne Grapin-Botton / Stephan Grill  
2019–2022 Allyson Ryan Carl Modes  
2019–2021 Anaïs Bailles Pavel Tomancak / Christoph Zechner  
2019–2022 Pranay Mandal Marino Zerial / Stephan Grill  
2019–2022 Tina Wiegand Tony Hyman / Stephan Grill  
2018–2021 Szabolcs Horvát Carl Modes  
2018–2020 Alexander Krull Florian Jug  
2018–2021 Arjun Narayanan Stephan Grill / Frank Jülicher  
2017–2020 Stephan Baumgärtner Christoph Zechner / Dora Tang  
2017–2020 Patrick McCall Jan Brugues / Tony Hyman  
2017–2020 Quentin Vagne Marino Zerial / Ivo Sbalzarini / Frank Jülicher  
2016–2019 Anatol Fritsch Tony Hyman / Moritz Kreysing  
2016–2019 Keisuke Ishihara Elly Tanaka / Jan Brugues / Frank Jülicher  
2016–2019 Vojtech Kaiser Dora Tang / Ivo Sbalzarini  
2015–2018 Tobias Boothe Jochen Rink / Gene Myers  
2015–2018 Benjamin Dalton Ivo Sbalzarini / Jan Brugues  
2015–2017 Alejandro Vignoni Ivo Sbalzarini / Elisabeth Knust  
2014–2017 Lennart Hilbert Nadine Vastenhouw / Vasily Zaburdaev  
2013–2018 Louise Jawerth Tony Hyman / Frank Jülicher  
2013–2016 Venkatesan K. Iyer Suzanne Eaton / Frank Jülicher  
2013–2016 Dagmar Kainmüller Gene Myers  
2013–2016 Stefan Muenster Pavel Tomancak / Stephan Grill  
2013–2016 Izaak Neri Marino Zerial / Frank Jülicher