Latest News

19 June 2024

Oxford and Dresden researchers develop a new method, TopACT, and reveal hidden patterns in lupus kidney disease.

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27 May 2024

Mistakes in protein production might help organisms adapt to sudden environmental changes.

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15 March 2024

Dresden computational biologists create a proteome-wide model to map mistakes in protein production and their effects on cell fitness.

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1 February 2024

Characterizing movement patterns of E. coli bacteria by using engineered bacterial strains and physical models. 

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20 November 2023

Open-source supercomputer algorithm predicts patterning and dynamics of living materials and enables studying their behavior in space and time.

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5 September 2023

Agnes Toth-Petroczy, Alexander von Appen, and Ricard Alert receive funds to launch their own projects.

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25 August 2023

Novel algorithm enables efficient study of biophysical phenomenon.

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